Partnership With Bees

Boost Your Crop Yield With a Partnership With Bees

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Entering into a partnership with bees is a great idea, particularly if you grow your own food! Bees have been shown to increase crop yield from 30% to sometimes as much as 70% or more! Not only does pollination by bees increase the crop yield, but studies have also shown that it also increases the size and quality of the fruit produced! This partnership sounds like a no brainer to me, particularly with the added benefit of getting honey from the bees.

Are you partnering with bees yet? If not, why not?

Partnering with Bees

How To Get Your Partnership With Bees Started

Starting your partnership with bees may be easier than you think. There are a couple of ways you can do this.

If you don’t want to maintain the bees yourself, you can make contact with a local beekeeper who would be more than willing to place a hive on your property. You can come to a mutual understanding as to compensation for this arrangement.

The other way to partner with bees is to educate yourself on beekeeping and manage the hives yourself. The benefit of doing this is you will get an understanding of how bees operate and there is not the added complication of a third party.

There will be a learning curve to this method and some costs for startup, but the benefits will soon outweigh these low costs.

From an educational point of view, you can attend a beekeeping course in your area, or you can teach yourself with books or via the internet.

Startup Gear

You will need the following gear as a basic startup to beekeeping. Many of these items will be a one off purchase, as most of them can last you a lifetime.

  • Bee suit
  • Gloves
  • Hive tool
  • Smoker
  • Bee hive of your choice (my personal preference is the Langstroth hive)

Take a look at our post on 5 Must Have Items For Beekeeping where these essential items are covered in detail.

Win Win Partnership

When we enter into a partnership with bees, it is a win win situation. We win by conserving the creatures that pollinate our food crops and provide us with hone and other product. The bees win by getting protected status and their colonies being maintained and allowed to flourish!

Bees are friends with benefits! Learn how to partner with bees for your benefit and theirs!

Don’t you think you should start your partnership with bees right away? This is a workforce that will never let you down!

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