Gravity Power

GravityLight – The Light That Uses Gravity Power

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Not many people think of gravity power when the topic of alternative energy comes up! Gravity is an energy that is free, and all around us, so why not use it as an energy source? This is the kind of creative thinking that is going to help transform the way we use energy in the future!

Deciwatt is a company that saw an energy need and developed an innovative, clean energy solution using gravity power! The product is aimed at the off-grid community, remote rural communities and third world low income groups.

How Does Gravity Power Produce Light?

The GravityLight works connecting an elevated weight to a pulley system. As the weight slowly descends to the ground, it powers a generator that produces the energy to power the LED lights. In other words, the gravity power that pulls the weight down is converted to electrical energy.

Gravity Power

Operating the light cannot be easier!

  • Fill the bag with weight (approximately 12kg / 25 pounds). The weight is easy to lift due to the pulley system.
  • Lift the bag using the orange cord
  • Bag falls slowly creating light which lasts about 20 mins
  • When the bag reaches the ground it can be lifted again to restart the cycle.

Advantages of the GravityLight

Due to the light using gravity power, there are a number of advantages that make this product ideal for the off-grid lifestyle!

  • The GravityLight gives you instant light – no waiting for charging
  • No batteries are required
  • Sunlight or wind power is not required
  • No running costs – no need to buy fuel such as kerosene

The only aspect which I see as a slight disadvantage to this product is the 20 minutes of light duration and then having to reset the weight. But is that really such a hardship given the great features of this product? I think not!

The company, Deciwatt has made it their mission to do away with poor communities using dangerous kerosene powered lamps. You can read about their initiative here –

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